You may have done fine without a fence for years, but things change over time and now you may be dealing with some issues that indicate a fence may now be a good way to go. A fence may be able to help you with things you wouldn't think of too. Here are some things that can be helped with the installation of a fence: 

The neighborhood has become noisy

You may have moved into a nice and quiet neighborhood. However, more homes may have gone up around you, more streets may have been put in, and you have more people and cars closer. You are limited on ways you can cut down on the noise to make your yard and home quieter, but there are some things you can do. You can have window film put on the windows or replace single-paned ones with dual-paned ones. You can also make sure your weather stripping is in good condition. A solid fence can be a great way for you to cut down on some of that neighborhood noise as well, both in the yard and the house. 

The yard has become a popular shortcut

Any yard can become a shortcut for people walking through the neighborhood, but this is a much more common problem for homes that sit on a corner lot. If you have a trail of dead grass now because of everyone cutting through your yard, or if you see people always peeking in your house as they are walking through the yard, then this can be frustrating. You can put up signs and you can ask everyone you see cutting through to stop, but you'll likely find it continues. Having a fence put up is a surefire way for you to put an end to people walking through your yard. 

The yard has become attractive to neighborhood dogs

The occasional dog coming into your yard and leaving a pile of feces is a minor inconvenience. However, if your yard seems to be the new hang-out for neighborhood dogs and you are finding more and more piles of feces in your yard, then this can be very frustrating. If you have dogs coming into your yard and digging holes in your lawn, this can make a lot of work for you as you try to save the lawn. A major concern is if you have a dog that appears to be vicious and it comes in your yard, posing a risk to your safety and everyone else in your home. The installation of a fence can put an end to all of those dogs coming onto your property, causing damage, leaving messes, and threatening you.

Contact a company that offers fence installation services to learn more.
